Tuesday, October 5

"Pa-jam-as" or "Pa-jom-as"?

You ever have those times in your life when something is happening and you wish you could hit pause, then rewind, and record the moment that you are living in to watch later when you need a little pick me up?  One of those moments happened tonight, and since they have yet to invent real life DVRs, I will have to settle for writing about it. . . .first of all you need some background info.

A while back Tate said to me, "Hey Mom, did you know that another word for pajamas is pajamas?" (Where he pronouces "jam" in the first instance, like in "strawberry jam", and the second instance "jam" rhymes with mom)
I said "Sure.  It's actually the same word, some people just pronounce it differently. We call them "pa-JAM-as", but other people call them "pa-JOM-as".  It's the same word, just said differently.  There are a couple of words that are like that."  Tate replied, "Yeah, my friend Kate at school calls them "paJOMas".  That's funny, right?  "paJOMas"!?! . . . . . fast forward to today.   

We are getting ready for bed, and Tate hollers to me in the bathroom, where I am brushing Coy's teeth.  "Hey Mom, where are my "paJOMas"? . . .   I can't find my "paJOMas"? . . . . My "paJOMas" were right here and now my "paJOMas" are gone."  Now, each time he says the word "paJOMas" (where the "jam" rhymes with "mom"), Coy laughs.  And, it's not one of those giggles, or chuckles, or superficial laughs.  Its a belly laugh.  A true genuine, warms your heart, makes-everyone-in-room-laugh kind of laugh.  The kind of laugh that only a kid, actually a toddler, can truly pull off.  And each time Tate says "paJOMas", Coy laughs harder, which only makes Tate say it more, and the whole moment made me laugh.  It actually makes me laugh just thinking about it.

If I could record and save this moment for replay later, I would use it when I need a reminder of just how sweet they can be . . . like when Coy is screaming at a decibel level so loud, the neighbors mistake it for the tornado sirens, because I put his pancakes on a green plate, when clearly I should have known that TODAY he MUST HAVE THE ORANGE PLATE.  But, I digress.

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