Monday, November 1

Blue Batman, Black Batman and Perv-y Batman

You see, it is Batman fever around our neighborhood.  So naturally, all the boys ages 2-5 wanted to dress up as Batman for Halloween. All mother's coordinated so we had various Batman costumes.  We had a small black and grey Batman, an all black small batman, a blue batman with a muscle chest, a blue batman without a muscle chest, a couple of batgirls.

What we didn't have was a creepy Batman (or pedophile Batman, as he was lovingly referred to at the party). Brandon was happy to oblige as his one request for this year's costume was (and I quote), "For Halloween this year, I want to wear a costume that involves wearing underwear on the outside of my pants."

A special thank you to Target for having the genius marketing behind superhero underwear for grown men.  If nothing else, the specifically placed Batman logo provided a place for the kids to aim their punches, much to Brandon's dismay.  A side effect we did not anticipate.

Our neighborhood is great for Halloween, particularly one loop. We have a good friend (who happens to live on the loop) who throws an annual Halloween party, and the entire group goes out trick or treating afterwards.  This year our group was 20+ kids and even more adults.  Hope y'all had a great Halloween, too.  Ours was nothing short of perfect.


Stephanie Steele said...

Could NOT love the costumes more... and when Brandon wins a lifetime achievement award, gets published, or is on the news... this better be the photo you use!

Texie B said...

That is so funny!!! I hope he didn't scare any little batmans away!!

Kim said...

Thanks, I needed to laugh today! I love the picture with the beer.