Tuesday, September 14

Only in Texas . . . .

Ok. So, it might be argued that this is technically not an "Only in Texas" thing.  But, unless you live in areas prone to hurricanes and tornados, chances are you don't see the kind of rain storms we see here.

We get the CRAZIEST looking storms and really beauitful clouds.  And thunder that rolls on forever.  If you have always lived in an area with mountains, you don't realize that your mountains absorb the sound from thunder.  But, if you live in Texas (and other areas in the midwest) with virtually no changes in elevation, that thunder rolls on FOREVER.  And the lightening?  Wow.

You may have heard of Hermine?  She was classified as a hurricane at some point in the past 2 weeks, then she weakened when she came on shore.  But, weakened is a relative term.  Hermine dropped about 7-8 inches of rain on us in 24 hours. According to the local news, it was the 5th largest amount of rain received in a 24 hour period.

For reference, in this video I am standing under our covered back patio.  The rain gutters on the back of the house re-direct about 80% of the water to the side yard.  The puddles and flooding on the deck is just the water the rain gutter could not handle.  

So, where does all this rain go?  Check out this creek that is within walking distance of our house:
The creek on a typical day
(notice the creek is about 10 feet below the road I am on)

The creek after the rain stopped
(notice the water reaches the road)

This is a different view.
Look closely and you can make out the road that goes under the overpass.

The road is submerged after the rain.

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