Sunday, May 17

Just like his father

Last night we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. You may have heard of it. It is the place where you get to throw your peanut shells on the floor (which Tate thought was awesome, though didn't really grasp the whole concept as he was throwing the entire peanut on the floor). After dinner, we walked out of the restaurant and parked in the front row, right outside the front door was a flat bed truck. Now, the thing that makes this flat bed truck different and stand out is that on the bed of the truck was a giant cage. And, in the giant cage was a goat. A GOAT. A real, live, bleating GOAT - in a cage, on the back of a truck, parked in front of a restaurant. Now, those of you who don't live in Texas may think this is par for the course. And, even though Texans have strange phrases like "y'all", "all y'all" and "fixin' to", this is not an ordinary site to see - a GOAT in a CAGE on the back of a TRUCK parked outside a RESTAURANT.

So, of course, this goat was drawing a crowd. And, of course, we had to get a closer look. As we walked up to the goat, Brandon started repeating some lines from an SNL skit and it went a little something like this: "Hey Goat. I like your beard. Say hi to your mother for me." I laughed. But, Tate seemed to be paying little attention to Brandon, and more to the goat. We looked at the goat for a few more minutes and went on our way.

Fast forward to today (and stay with me as this is all going to come together). We are at the zoo and find ourselves in front of the gorilla exhibit. The gorilla is lounging up against the glass and there are several kids and adults gathered around. Tate walks up to the glass and says "Hey gorilla. How's your mother doing?"

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Very cute! Even more reason for me to be on my good behavior around Tate - - he hears everything! P.S. - What's wrong with "fixin to"? :)