Saturday, March 14

Random ramblings: Forever playing catch-up

These days it seems like all I ever do is try to catch up with everything that needs to be done. Often times I wonder if there will ever be a time when I think, "you know, I really don't have anything to do today". And, how will that day feel? Seems like I might curl up into the fetal position and start rocking back and forth . . . . all of that free time might just be the one thing that will cause a mental breakdown. Maybe that is why I keep adding projects to my list? Maybe subconciously I know that if I ever complete my to do list, it will be the end of my sanity. Of course, anyone who knows me well enough knows that I always have a new project brewing, something to obsessed about, so I am fairly confident that my to do list will always be full of things that I know will someday may or may not get done. I have come to accept that everything will not always get done, because let's face it, sometimes things get added to the list that are completely irrational -- like organizing the toy room and EXPECTING IT TO STAY THAT WAY.

The good news (or maybe bad news) is I get a high from crossing things off the list. . .like this cabinet in my kitchen. It was the dumping ground for everything that did not have a place when we moved in. And, for the last eight months, each time I would open the door, my OCD would kick in and my neck would start to twitch and I would be overcome fear that opening the door too quickly might throw off the delicate balance of the pile of junk and an appliance which had never been used and I had long forgotten I owned would come flying out of the mess and kill me instantly. And then, I would be one of the crazies they report on the news as "Woman killed by a TurboCooker in less than 20 seconds, ironically about the same time it takes to cook a roast", and my children would be forever haunted by as seen on TV appliances. So, last weekend, I had enough with the twitching and decided to do something about it before me, or anyone else was injured. So, I removed everything, threw out the things that had never been used, put down some contact paper, organized everything by frequency of use. And now, each time I open the cabinet (which is a lot because it also houses the garbage can), and see the organization, I smile and feel a little giddy -- which I am fairly sure takes me one step closer to insisting that the food in the pantry be organized alphabetically.


Stephanie said...

I love this about you. I happen to have none of it in me, wish I did, but find it endlessly fascinating that we are so opposite in this, yet I love it about you SO much. You make me laugh.

Shelley said...

Do you think you would get the same high and sense of giddiness by helping other people with their to-do lists?? Because if so, you and I need to talk!!!
Thanks for the giggle!